9.4 - Handling Recurring Subscriptions

9.4 - Handling Recurring Subscriptions

Below is an example deal of donor type where the donations frequencies can be configured in the deals module. 

We have a field name called “Donation Frequency” where if you select “one time” then you need not enter any other fields in Donation information section but if your donation frequency is going to be Not One time then you need to enter the Donation Amount, Donation Frequency start date and Donation Frequency End date where the total amount will be entered in the Amount field in Deal Information. 

For Example, lets say Evan kai wanted to donate every month $250 for 6 months, so you can see we have entered the donation start date and end date where the first invoice will be sent on the start date and last invoice in the end date. Now the total Amount of the deal is considered to be $250 *6 = $1500. 

Hence Zoho Subscription will send automatic invoices to the contacts email address. Once the amount is paid every month the invoice status gets updated to Paid. 

You can access subscriptions.zoho.com to access the subscription plans where you can see all the contacts, accounts and their invoices synced between the CRM and subscription. 

Please find below a screenshot of Zoho subscriptions.


If you want to further know about the functionalities of Zoho subscriptions, please refer to oho subscriptions help documents via this link.

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